Pengembangan Potensi Pemandian Alam Cikoromoy Sebagai Objek Daya Tarik Wisata Di Kabupaten Pandeglang
Potential Development, Cikoromoy Natural Baths, TourismAbstract
Tourism is one of the sectors that the government continues to develop to support the Indonesian economy. Policies in tourism development are regulated by the government through Law no. 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism. The development of tourism in Indonesia apart from government policies, is currently also supported by progress in the field of Information Technology (IT). This research was conducted based on the state of tourism in the natural bathing area of Cikoromoy, Pandeglang Regency, Banten. The issue of natural preservation encourages the author to examine the optimization of the tourism potential of the Cikoromoy natural baths. This research method uses descriptive qualitative with the process of observation, interviews and data collection. Administratively, the natural bathing tour of Cikoromoy, when viewed from the north, is bordered by Kadugadung Village, Cipeucang District. To the east it is bordered by Parumasan Village, Cipeucang District. To the south, it is adjacent to Banyumas Village, Bojong District. And the West side is adjacent to Kadu Dampit Village, Saketi District. The tourism potential of the Cikoromoy natural baths is quite promising if managed properly, by completing existing facilities around tourist attractions. Because for now there is still a lack of development of the Cikoromoy natural bathing attractions. This can be seen from the lack of conscious culture of community tourism or visitors, lack of knowledge and awareness of community tourism or visitors causing various unwanted things. Second, the lack of formation of tourism awareness groups in every sub-district or village in Pandeglang Regency, then the lack of facilities and infrastructure, especially access roads to tourist attractions which are still damaged and have not been repaired, lack of promotion and tourism events. Kabupaten Pandeglang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 Tentang Rencana Induk Pembangunan Kepariwisataan Kabupaten Pandeglang
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