Permasalahan Fenomena Getok Harga di Daerah Wisata Anyer
Price fluctuations, Protection, Tourism, TouristsAbstract
Currently there are many tourist spots in the Anyer area, Banten Province. This is because the community needs to travel. However, price fluctuations often occur. In fact, tourists need protection, comfort and security in traveling. As regional managers, local governments must address these problems. This is the background of this research. This study discusses how tourists think about price gouging in the Anyer area. In addition, it also discusses how local governments can issue policies to overcome the problem of price shocks. This study uses a questionnaire as well as normative legal research with a statutory approach and analysis of legal concepts. Research on price getok in the Anyer area, because it refers to Articles 18 and 20 of Law Number 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism and Article 4 of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection.
Keywords : Tourism, Protection, Getok Harga and Tourists
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